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Poker Face Idiom Phrase

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  1. Poker Face Idiom Phrase Crossword Puzzle
  2. Poker Face Idiom Phrase Meaning
  3. Poker Face Idiom Phrases
  4. Poker Face Idiom Phrase Meaning

Poker face: Someone is described as having a poker face if their face is expressionless and without emotion. The term poker face is mostly used when talking about the card game poker; poker players don't want people to know what they are thinking or feeling, so they force a straight face that hides all clues. Poker face - Examples: 1) The host will maintain a consistent poker face and stick to a strict regimen of neutral comments. 2) You better check the leaderboard because Dufner has golf's best poker face and he isn't giving anything away. 3) And so, with the best poker face I had, I sternly warned her that she had one more chance.

Poker Face Idiom Phrase Crossword Puzzle

Alphabetical List of Idioms P, page 9

Idioms P, page 9: from: 'have someone in your pocket'to:'go postal'

  • have someone in your pocket
    • If you have influence or power over someone, you have them in your pocket.
      'He was declared 'not guilty', but everyone knew that he had the jury in his pocket.'
  • poetic justice
    • Poetic justice is an ideal form of justice in which virtue is rewarded and evil punished, often in a particularly appropriate manner, by an ironic twist of fate.
      'It is poetic justice that the country responsible for the ecological disaster should suffer most from its effects.'
  • point of no return
    • When you reach the point of no return, you must continue what you have started, because you have gone so far that it is impossible to go back.
      'I've resigned from teaching and decided to become a writer. Now I've reached the point of no return and must work on the book I am writing.'
  • beside the point
    • If something is beside the point, it does not relate to the topic or is irrelevant.
      'We need to know if he's qualified for the job. The fact that he plays golf is beside the point!'
  • come/get to the point
    • If you come or get the point, you reach or concentrate on the essential part or the heart of the matter.
      'We don't need a long explanation Barry. Just get to the point!'
  • sore point
    • A sore point is a subject to be avoided because it causes anger or embarrassment.
      'Don't talk to Mary about weight - that's a sore point!'
  • poker face
    • Someone who has a poker face has an expressionless face that shows no emotion or reaction at all.
      'He sat with a poker face all through the show, revealing nothing of his thoughts.'
  • polish off
    • If you polish something off, you finish it quickly or easily.
      'Susan thought there was too much food but the boys polished it off in no time.'
  • politically correct
    • When people are politically correct, they carefully choose the language they use in order to avoid offending particular groups of people.
      'Most people today make a conscious effort to be politically correct.'
  • pop one's clogs
    • This is a euphemistic way of saying that a person is dead.
      'Nobody lives in that house since old Roger popped his clogs.'
  • pop the question
    • When you ask someone to marry you, you pop the question.
      'It was during a trip to Venice that Sam popped the question.'
  • is the Pope Catholic?
    • This is a sarcastic way of answering a question in the affirmative when the answer is obviously 'yes'.
      'Do birds fly?' 'Of course they do. Is the Pope Catholic?'
  • any port in a storm
    • When you are in difficulty, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable.
      'The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm; all the others were full.'
  • go postal
    • If someone goes postal, they lost their temper and express their anger in a violent way.
      'My parents will go postal when they see the state of the house!'

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Poker Face Idiom Phrase

Alphabetical List of Idioms P, page 9

Synthesizer greatest roulette games. Idioms P, page 9: from: 'have someone in your pocket'to:'go postal'

  • have someone in your pocket
    • If you have influence or power over someone, you have them in your pocket.
      'He was declared 'not guilty', but everyone knew that he had the jury in his pocket.'
  • poetic justice
    • Poetic justice is an ideal form of justice in which virtue is rewarded and evil punished, often in a particularly appropriate manner, by an ironic twist of fate.
      'It is poetic justice that the country responsible for the ecological disaster should suffer most from its effects.'
  • point of no return
    • When you reach the point of no return, you must continue what you have started, because you have gone so far that it is impossible to go back.
      'I've resigned from teaching and decided to become a writer. Now I've reached the point of no return and must work on the book I am writing.'
  • beside the point
    • If something is beside the point, it does not relate to the topic or is irrelevant.
      'We need to know if he's qualified for the job. The fact that he plays golf is beside the point!'
  • come/get to the point
    • If you come or get the point, you reach or concentrate on the essential part or the heart of the matter.
      'We don't need a long explanation Barry. Just get to the point!'
  • sore point
    • A sore point is a subject to be avoided because it causes anger or embarrassment.
      'Don't talk to Mary about weight - that's a sore point!'
  • poker face
    • Someone who has a poker face has an expressionless face that shows no emotion or reaction at all.
      'He sat with a poker face all through the show, revealing nothing of his thoughts.'
  • polish off
    • If you polish something off, you finish it quickly or easily.
      'Susan thought there was too much food but the boys polished it off in no time.'
  • politically correct
    • When people are politically correct, they carefully choose the language they use in order to avoid offending particular groups of people.
      'Most people today make a conscious effort to be politically correct.'
  • pop one's clogs
    • This is a euphemistic way of saying that a person is dead.
      'Nobody lives in that house since old Roger popped his clogs.'
  • pop the question
    • When you ask someone to marry you, you pop the question.
      'It was during a trip to Venice that Sam popped the question.'
  • is the Pope Catholic?
    • This is a sarcastic way of answering a question in the affirmative when the answer is obviously 'yes'.
      'Do birds fly?' 'Of course they do. Is the Pope Catholic?'
  • any port in a storm
    • When you are in difficulty, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable.
      'The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm; all the others were full.'
  • go postal
    • If someone goes postal, they lost their temper and express their anger in a violent way.
      'My parents will go postal when they see the state of the house!'

Poker Face Idiom Phrase Meaning

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Please note that British English spelling is used on this website.

Alphabetical List of Idioms P, page 9

Synthesizer greatest roulette games. Idioms P, page 9: from: 'have someone in your pocket'to:'go postal'

  • have someone in your pocket
    • If you have influence or power over someone, you have them in your pocket.
      'He was declared 'not guilty', but everyone knew that he had the jury in his pocket.'
  • poetic justice
    • Poetic justice is an ideal form of justice in which virtue is rewarded and evil punished, often in a particularly appropriate manner, by an ironic twist of fate.
      'It is poetic justice that the country responsible for the ecological disaster should suffer most from its effects.'
  • point of no return
    • When you reach the point of no return, you must continue what you have started, because you have gone so far that it is impossible to go back.
      'I've resigned from teaching and decided to become a writer. Now I've reached the point of no return and must work on the book I am writing.'
  • beside the point
    • If something is beside the point, it does not relate to the topic or is irrelevant.
      'We need to know if he's qualified for the job. The fact that he plays golf is beside the point!'
  • come/get to the point
    • If you come or get the point, you reach or concentrate on the essential part or the heart of the matter.
      'We don't need a long explanation Barry. Just get to the point!'
  • sore point
    • A sore point is a subject to be avoided because it causes anger or embarrassment.
      'Don't talk to Mary about weight - that's a sore point!'
  • poker face
    • Someone who has a poker face has an expressionless face that shows no emotion or reaction at all.
      'He sat with a poker face all through the show, revealing nothing of his thoughts.'
  • polish off
    • If you polish something off, you finish it quickly or easily.
      'Susan thought there was too much food but the boys polished it off in no time.'
  • politically correct
    • When people are politically correct, they carefully choose the language they use in order to avoid offending particular groups of people.
      'Most people today make a conscious effort to be politically correct.'
  • pop one's clogs
    • This is a euphemistic way of saying that a person is dead.
      'Nobody lives in that house since old Roger popped his clogs.'
  • pop the question
    • When you ask someone to marry you, you pop the question.
      'It was during a trip to Venice that Sam popped the question.'
  • is the Pope Catholic?
    • This is a sarcastic way of answering a question in the affirmative when the answer is obviously 'yes'.
      'Do birds fly?' 'Of course they do. Is the Pope Catholic?'
  • any port in a storm
    • When you are in difficulty, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable.
      'The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm; all the others were full.'
  • go postal
    • If someone goes postal, they lost their temper and express their anger in a violent way.
      'My parents will go postal when they see the state of the house!'

Poker Face Idiom Phrase Meaning

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Poker Face Idiom Phrase Meaning

Please note that British English spelling is used on this website.

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